Monday, April 1, 2013

Looking Out For Summer

I guess my editing still needs a little more practice.

Anyway, I have here a bucket list for my Summer 2013 because ever since the break started, all I ever did was sleep, eat, watch tv shows, eat, sleep, and sometimes help with household chores. Unproductive, right? So, I want to make my summer this year a  productive one.

1. Shopping. Not an extravagant shopping spree, but, more of a "shopping with a purpose" shopping. Okay, that didn't really make any sense. What I'm trying to say is, I want to buy clothes and summer accessories for our get-away this year, and I'm eyeing for a folded denim shorts, newspaper boy hat, and... Well, I think that's it. I'm not really sure about the accessories. Oh well.

2. Gym. Oookaaay. You know, this is really weird for me since I'm not a gym junkie. My body is totally well fit (if there's such a word), so I really don't see the point in going to the gym, except that my mother insists. *sigh*

3. Learn how to play the guitar. 'Nuff said.

4. Finish my vocal sessions. Self-explanatory.

5. Play badminton. This is not a problem. And I really missed playing this sport.

6. Travel. Every year, my family and relatives and I will always travel around the Philippines (because we can't afford out-of-the-country trips). For this year, our target destinations are Bukidnon and Iligan City (I'm crossing my fingers for Iligan).

7. Take pictures. Not just pictures of the beautiful places I will see on our trip, but of random beautiful things as well (did that make sense?).

8. Blog. This is a given. I will try to update you guys with what's happening in my life. I want to make it up for all the lost time. And also, I'll do my best to update the features in my blog.

I hope you can bear with me for 2 months, and I hope that in these 2 months, I'd be able to update you as much as I can. CARPE DIEM!

|| Jetha :)
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